Friday, August 2, 2013

College Girl discussion questions

Okay, for a bit of fun, here are some discussion questions to ponder ... Yay!

Ryan accuses Alex of having a foul mouth, but he's not exactly a fucken saint as far as language is concerned, right? Is it a double standard, or was he purely kidding around? Are "girls" supposed to be more virtuous in all ways -- and are guys allowed to get away with more stuff?

James McDevitt is an ass; he has no boundaries; and generally he just fucks things up at every opportunity. Why do we keep friends around who aren't good for us? And, more importantly, do you think there's any redemption for James -- or is he just going to continue being a self-serving asshole?

At one point, Alex refers to herself as having "serious daddy issues." Do you think this plays a role in her relationship with Ryan? They two of them are very different in some ways and very similar in others. Do you think they achieve equal ground toward the end?

"Brit," Alex's roommate, seems to enjoy making Alex feel less than for being different than she is. Where do you think Brit's need to cut someone down comes from? Do you think the Internet gives us all the power to judge people we don't even know -- and is that a good thing? Or does it make us less sensitive to other people's feelings?

Not everything gets wrapped up in a neat and tidy bow in real life. Now, Alex and Ryan definitely reached some resolutions in their relationship, but what about the future? They're from different backgrounds, they have very different interests, and there's a significant age-gap. Will they grow closer or grow apart?

What was your favorite moment from the book? Do you relate to any of the characters? Why?

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